September 2011


Please explain to me how this even comes remotely close to an excuse to bail on friends. Isn't this more of a mental nutcase game you're playing with yourself than you are with your friends or acquaintances? This may, however, be the greatest thing to sign your married buddies up for...


THE WORLD MOBILE PHONE THROWING CHAMPIONSHIP IN FINLAND. From their site: Why do people throw it? Finland is known as the home country of the mobile phones and Finns have always been very fashion-conscious about the phones. Many Europeans wonder why the Finns buy brand new phones when the old one is still working. For the interpreters and translators who work...


Oh boy oh boy! Talk about killing two birds with one stone (is this even a PC term anymore?!). Amron Experimental has taken the average toothbrush and turned it into a water spouting fountain. The design so simple, yet so effective, will cost you a mere $2.18 for pre-sale! Features: - No disposable rinsing cups - No glass...

Editorial, semper fi

I have a fondness bordering on psychotic obsession with the book as both object and content delivery system. This obsessions misdirects my modern evolution to tablet-format electronics, and induces such rolling of the eyes as only a vinyl collector can match when incited to debate over "the future," "efficiency," "saving space" or "accessibility." Very few...