ZANO more

ZANO more


Zano was to be the autonomous, intelligent, swarming nano drone. A drone with the ability to capture video and photos from an aerial point of view. In January of 2015 It’s kickstarter finished with a whopping £2.3 million ($3.5 million) in funding. Throughout the year there have been various updates, all the way up to October where they continued to confirm a delay due to material shipments. But this past month a tweet that basically put the nail in the coffin for this Kickstarter…

And now it seems that even with all that money Kickstarters can fail. Two more updates were given to backers-only, hopefully some of the backers who went in big get something back in return. Goes to show once again that Kickstarter isn’t a shop for cool things, your just helping products try and get to market. Check out the video below of what could have been.